
Fysio PFP; more than just physiotherapy…

Since 2013, we have been open five days a week for people who have pain complaints. We are currently working in Assen and Groningen. We have contracts with all health insurers! Curious about all fees and rates?

Behandelingen Fysio PFP

Treatments Praktijk Fysiotherapie Pellinkhof

The physiotherapist specializes in the examination and treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Manual therapy
The manual therapist specializes in the examination and treatment of the spine and joints

Dry Needling
Dry needling is used to effectively release muscular triggerpoints.

Benefits of Fysio PFP

Appointments are made withing 24 hours
Health inscurance contracts


Personal training programs


A young and motivated team.

PFP'ers speaking

Locations practices

Fysiotherapie Assen

Locatie Oranjestraat
Oranjestraat 120
9401 KM Assen

0592 – 33 04 53

fysiotherapie groningen

Locatie Nieuweweg
Nieuweweg 25
9711 BT Groningen

050 – 553 54 94

Locatie Orionlaan
Orionlaan 4
9742 TA Groningen

050 – 364 11 18

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